Every year thousands of residents come out to see the Northland Parade. In order to ensure the safety and enjoyment for spectators and participants, there are a few simple tips to follow.
- Parking is available in many public locations. Use Google Maps to pick your spot!
- Business parking lots: please park within marked spaces, do not litter, and be one of their customers.
- Public streets: please park within 12″ of the curb leaving enough room for residents to use their driveways.
- Tow trucks: every day is a work day including the 4th of July!
- Arrive early and be prepared to stay for awhile! Some spectators arrive an hour before the 10am ribbon cutting to start the parade! The parade generally lasts a couple hours but this year will be a much longer parade! Make the most of your parade watching experience by bringing comfortable folding chairs or blankets for the ground. Also, be sure to bring sun block and water to stay hydrated. An umbrella may help keep the sun off you.
- Spread out! People tend to congregate around Karl Road’s intersections. Moving away from intersections gives you front row seating which will increase the number of goodies you’ll receive!
- Candy will be handed to children, not thrown. Please do not allow yourself or anyone in your party to enter the street to retrieve candy or any other reason! We do not want children to think it is okay to run into the street!
Just say no to candy on the road! This endangers the people in the street as well as the parade participants. A cleaning crew will dispose of it afterwards. Please note that the parade’s insurance prohibits throwing candy and all participants agreed not to throw when they signed their registration form. A few participants in 2023 violated this policy and need speak with us prior to being in our parade again. - The parade is held – rain or shine. Dress for the weather. You will thank yourself later for doing so.
- We provide trash cans all along the parade route for your convenience. We paid for them so please use them and not the ground! Please take any recyclables to the blue recycle bin at your home or other recycling location. Everything else should be deposited into the trash receptacles. THANKS!
- Parade participants will be walking, bicycling, biking, in vehicles, and on floats. Please be sure to keep your pet on a leash that you hold at all times. We want everyone to have fun participating in the parade and while watching the parade. We don’t want anyone to be nervous about an animal on the loose. Please keep your pet hydrated and in the shade. Also, if your pet leaves a ‘present’, please read item #6.
- The Fourth of July is a celebration! Please choose family friendly attire with family friendly words. We appreciate spectators that have fun but not at someone else’s expense. Please be respectful to both participants and spectators. THANKS!
- After the parade, please take a route other than going north on Karl Road. There is quite a line of cars that follow the parade going the speed of the parade … about 2mph. Taking side roads away from Karl will be easier for you and for your car. Use your smart phone’s navigation app to get you home safely.
- Please thank our sponsors!